Do you think that both major parties are excessively dominated by money and overly influenced by lobbyists and single-issue groups? Are you concerned about the continued assault on the American middle class by the failed policies of both major parties? Do you feel that neither of the two major parties truly reflect the aspirations or will of most Americans? Do two-party career politicians appear unwilling or unable to address the many issues and challenges facing our nation? Have you grown tired of the polarization and alienation created by the two major parties? Are you concerned about our constant state of war and/or our involvement in military conflicts around the world?

Do you want to help get money out of politics? Do you want to end the revolving door between government and lobbying? Do you want to help end the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world? Do you want to protect the American middle class and American jobs?

If so, let's Get started! Our people-powered party is not about moving the country right or left. We are about moving the country forward with sustainable solutions. We welcome independents, democrats, republicans, greens, libertarians, others and non-voters. The Citizens Party does NOT accept contributions from corporations, PAC's, super PAC's, labor unions or registered lobbyists.

Community Guidelines



We will be making major site wide updates between 2/01/2024 - 06/01/2024 on this website.  


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Latest Activity

Citizens Party posted a status
"Former Rep. Dennis Kucinich running as an indy.…"
Feb 4
Citizens Party posted a status
"We will begin considering Indy candidates for our endorsement in March."
Feb 4
Citizens Party added a discussion to the group Campaign Finance, Ballot Access & Election Reform

Campaign Finance Reform Group merged into this group.

We have expanded this group to include campaign finance reform issues/discussions. We have deleted the stand alone campaign finance group. See more →
Feb 4
Profile IconWe will be updating our district groups as several congressional district maps have changed recently.
Feb 4
Citizens Party added a discussion to the group Stop the TPP and End NAFTA

NOTICE: Group Name Change

We changed the name of this group from "Stop the TPP & End NAFTA" to "Fair Trade, Not Free Trade". The purpose of the group remains the same, to support fair trade and reject free trade agreements like the TPP, NAFTA and CAFTA. See more →
Feb 3
Citizens Party commented on Keith John Ferguson's group Protect the United States Constitution
"Please move future group conversations to the discussion section above. "
Feb 3
Citizens Party liked Scolos Narbarson's discussion What The Glass-Steagall Act Is.
Feb 3
Roberto Guerrero is now a member of Citizens Party
Feb 2



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